23 yrs old // she/her or they/them
bi sapphic // genderpunk girl-thing
white // NYC
aquarius (1/28/2000)
autistic w/ other mental health issues
main interests:
- musical theater
- futurama
- steven universe
- bojack horseman
- pokemon
- south park
- game grumps
- nostalgia critic
i'm autistic and tend to fixate on these topics a lot for a period of time heheother interests
- how i met your mother
- phineas and ferb
- crazy ex girlfriend
- the good place
- brian david gilbert
- scott the woz
- last week tonight
- total drama
- mlp fim
- watamote
- superstore
- rocko's modern life
- sometimes i like homestuck but most of the time i just bitch about itit should also go without saying that i'm critical of all of these interests and i can make fun of myself sometimes, but please don't make fun of them or show me posts making fun of them, especially if you're not also a fan.
kin list
this is more just for fun than anything serious nowadays don't worry. idc about doubles if you don't care either.
- full disclosure that i used to be really sensitive and outright manipulative as a teen. it was obnoxious and hurtful and, if you knew me then, i apologize for that behavior. i've grown up a bit and i'm much less emotionally attached to social media nowadays and more aware of my issues and how to prevent them from worsening.
- due to a lot of stupid history, i'm very picky about forming close friendships with my mutuals. i can talk with you regularly, and enjoy your company, but i may be hesitant to use the word "friend." but if you're a close mutual then you're a close mutual <3
- please don't vent to me without asking first, i obsess over my friends' issues very easily and it stresses me out. i try not to vent at length without permission either and if i end up doing it you're allowed to call me out, though i still may allude to past shitty events on my personal social media.
- regarding the channel awesome controversy: i don't think the way the company handled things was right, and i think the victims deserved compensation or at least a proper apology. however, the show is a comfort to me, and the current cast seems happy. if you go out of your way to harass them or the fans, don't associate with me, because my friends and i have been harassed by people who used the movement as an excuse to be homophobic ableist sexist hypocritical twats and i don't trust like that. be critical of those who deserve it, and don't bring it up to me unprompted. also you can criticize the producers who started the movement but don't brush off their abuse as a whole; they were not wrong to speak up about it. if you harass them, then don't associate with me either.
- regarding south park: i watch as much as i can out of sheer fascination for how bad it can be, to analyze the weird cultural impact it has and for its potential. while there are a handful of episodes i do enjoy, i love criticizing south park and if you hate the show i don't care, as long as you don't equate watching it with agreeing with everything it says or whatever.
- regarding game grumps: a lot of bad-faith misinfo gets spread about dan and arin that isn't true, but i won't deny that both of them have done pretty awful things. i don't excuse the racist humor and similarly poor-taste jokes, and i don't quite feel comfortable with dan's history of sleeping around with his fans (though the accusation of him being a groomer/pedo is based off misleading information - if it were true i wouldn't entertain watching them anymore). i do watch their show but i don't watch any episodes with jontron, as his political opinions (read: racism and white genocide rhetoric) cross a line for me.
- i get really attached to characters and ships very easily so i will probably tweet randomly about how much i love them. so just prepare for that lol
do not follow if:
- youre a terf, trump supporter, anti-abortion, truscum, anti-sjw, anti-BLM, nazi ("ironic" or not), ableist, homophobic, sexist, or any other flavor of right-wing.
- youre a pedophile or MAP or anything along those lines. yes this includes consuming lolicon and other fictional porn of kids. yes even porn made "as a joke" ie shadbase - it's still porn of kids, you freak.
- on a related note to the above: if you're an account dedicated to "pro shipping" or whatever don't follow me. if you casually engage in fandom discourse then whatever, and i'm open to discussing the nuances of depicting abuse in media (hence why i don't label myself as an "anti" bc that's as meaninglessly broad as "pro shipper") and i even enjoy dark fic when it's done respectfully, but if you obsessively defend your right to make gratuitous rape porn fanfics or publicly fantasize about pedophilia or whatever, and shirk any form of criticism by pretending you're the Only Trauma Victim In The World, then i don't trust you. if you dedicate your account to "anti" stuff then i'm also wary but you're also probably like 14 so whatever.
- you think bi women have more in common with straight women than lesbians / have privilege over lesbians, or vice versa
- you use kiwifarms regularly
- you're a dick about my fictionkin stuff
- you still use the #changethechannel hashtag / harass CA workers about it (you can dislike NC and agree with the idea behind the hashtag, but people used it to outright harass people and even make threats, and i'm not comfortable with people who make it part of their identity)
- you harass the CA producers who spoke out against CA (again, you can dislike how they went about things but i do not condone victim blaming bullshit, especially since this often has misogynistic vibes)
blacklist:- graphic animal abuse
- graphic cutting or stabbing
- spit
- first person accounts of contagious illness (i.e. posts about having the flu/COVID/etc, talking about illness in general isn't a trigger but people talking about their illness in-depth makes me nervous)
- reblog/retweet bait
- chloe valentine discourse (whether you think she is redeemable or not, the discourse itself makes me rlly uncomfortable for personal reasons)
- negative jokes about bisexuality ESPECIALLY self-deprecation (this includes responding to bad takes from bi people with something like "bisexuality is cancelled," complaining about being attracted to men as well as women, etc)also this is hard to blacklist but try to keep hate of my special interests off my feed (except south park, part of my special interest involves criticizing it anyway). criticism is one thing but i see a lot of mockery of some of my interests, especially NC, and it can get irritating. if you want to go on a tangent ranting against one of my sp/ins, at least alert me so i can mute until you're done.most of this isn't too serious but i tend to get rlly bad anxiety seeing this stuff so if you could flag with like "jen don't look" that'd be fine